Sep 07, 2023 | Website Admin | 609 views
2023-2024 PMHA Season Head Coaches
Hello Everyone,
We would like to announce our head coaches for the 2023/2024 PMHA Hawkey Season!
Within the next few weeks you will be receiving emails from executive and from your coaching staff, please ensure that you read these emails as they contain important information for the upcoming season.
As you will see from the list below we are still looking for coaches for the U7 and U15 house teams. If you are interested please apply using our link on the website.
Lastly, we would like to thank all that applied for the coaching positions this year and encourage you to apply again next year.
U7- Vacant
Head Coach- Jenna Bolton
Head Coach-Dan Foy
Head Coach- Jake Major
U15 House -Vacant
U15 Rep
Head Coach - Dylan Allison
U18 House
Head Coach-Pete Kalmo
U18 Rep
Head Coach -Jason Grawbarger