Oct 07, 2020 | Website Admin | 679 views
League Update
First off we would like to say thank you for your continued patience and understanding in this very fluid and rapidly changing time. We truly appreciate it.
Please know that we, your executive board, are working very hard behind the scenes to get the season going. We have received word that the rink will be opening and we are preparing tentatively for the season to start on or around October 19th.
Once we have a firm start date and the schedule is complete this will be communicated to all coaching staff and parents.
On a Covid 19 note:
You will be required to fill out a screener before attending the rink for practices or games.
The Covid screening app will be made available to you once the season starts. If you are unable to connect to the app, your team trainer or coach will complete the screener with you before your child will be allowed to attend the practice or game.
If you or your child is off school/work due to Covid 19 symptoms please do not come to the rink. If you are quarantined due to possible Covid 19 exposure or are waiting for the results of a Covid 19 test, please do not come to the rink. If you are showing any symptoms of Covid 19 you may be asked to leave the arena.
Any missed practices or games due to Covid 19 symptoms will not be refunded or pro rated. If the season is shut down by the public health unit then a refund will be issued to the parents.
As always should you have any questions please reach out to your executive members.
Your 2020/2021 PMHA Executive Board